Sabadell is a commercial city generating a huge centre of attraction for shopping both due to its local businesses and its big companies. There are 7 big shopping areas distributed all around the city, from north tou south and from east to west. There is a total of 6 kilometers with 2,500 businesses that share a strong closeness with the city neighbourhoods and that have been able to adapt to the changes of the past few years.

The economic activity of these commercial areas is notable because of the high number of people visiting them every afternoon, which gets substantially higher at the weekend. In fact, most of the shoppers are not from Sabadell, which is a matter of pride as a commercial city.

Sabadell is a commercial city generating a huge centre of attraction for shopping both due to its local businesses and its big companies. There are 7 big shopping areas distributed all around the city, from north tou south and from east to west. There is a total of 6 kilometers with 2,500 businesses that share a strong closeness with the city neighbourhoods and that have been able to adapt to the changes of the past few years.

The economic activity of these commercial areas is notable because of the high number of people visiting them every afternoon, which gets substantially higher at the weekend. In fact, most of the shoppers are not from Sabadell, which is a matter of pride as a commercial city.

There are major areas such as Eix Macià with its Corte Inglés and its Paddock, Via Massagué, Rambla and the downtown with its historic centre, containing lots of different shops and restaurants. There is also Avinguda Barberà, an area full of convenience shops and services in the south of the city, and Avinguda de Matadepera, offering the same type of shops but in the north. Finally, the most recent area is Sant Pau de Riu-Sec, where there is a shopping centre called Via Sabadell providing restaurants, home products and shops of different sectors, among which IKEA is the most popular one.

There are also 5 municipal markets in Sabadell, a city referent for fresh food trading that encourages a commercial model of proximity and respect with a healthy nutrition. Among them, Mercat Central is the most popular one thanks to its central ubication and its “noucentista” style. Furthermore, there are also 7 weekly flea markets in Sabadell, as well as many street fairs throughout the year such as Medievàlia, Flea Market and Happy Food Trucks, which fill the city with all kinds of activities.

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Commercial areas

Eix Macià – Shopping mall / El Corte Inglés and Paddock

Eix Macià – Shopping mall / El Corte Inglés and Paddock

Av. de Francesc Macià, 58, 08208 Sabadell

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Via Sabadell / Ikea

Via Sabadell / Ikea

C. Serra dels Galliners s/n, Pol. Ind. Sant Pau de Riusec, 08205 Sabadell

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Downtown shopping

Downtown shopping

Rambla, 2, 08201 sabadell

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Local products

Sabadell onion

Sabadell onion

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Vermut Mussons of Sabadell

Vermut Mussons of Sabadell

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Cigró menut from the Vallès region

Cigró menut from the Vallès region

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Coca de vidre

Coca de vidre

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Sant Julià bread

Sant Julià bread

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Ganxet bean

Ganxet bean

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Arraona wine

Arraona wine

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